" F l o w e r "


Hve a nice day

Hai Welcome Here

"You never know how strong youre until being strong is the only choice you have"

Saturday, October 10, 2015 |


You dont have any reason to be sad girl. No matter how hard it is, you still have to be happy. If anything happen, kau kena jugak motivate diri sendiri supaya jangan down. You still young to be too sad girl. As usual lah, kau kan kuat so mesti lah benda kecil pun kau boleh handle. Iye idok? Bukan selamanya shits going to be happen. Kau tak boleh biarkan shits ruin your whole day. Benda tak lama lah girl come on! 

Control kau punya overthinking tu. But how?! And how can i control tahap cemburu ni. Ada je something thats can killing me softly. Eh takda hal lah kan benda boleh handle, chill lah huhu.

I love you